AHF Online Technical Official Workshop – Roles & Responsibilities – Day 1


As part of its series of workshops for Technical Officials, AHF this week is hosting two workshops on the topic of “Roles and Responsibilities. The workshops are being presented by AHF Event and Sport Director Elisabeth Fuerst, who is also an experienced Technical Official with the International Hockey Federation.

Today’s workshop started off with a focus on understanding the different roles of tournament officials and their associated tasks and responsibilities, followed by a brainstorming session on “what makes a good technical official”, i.e. what knowledge, skills, behaviors and attitudes Technical Officials need to have to excel at their job. The discussionalso touched upon ways in which candidates can work on their learning and development in order to progress their careers.

The learners then went on to study a number of situations and scenarios that occur frequently in tournaments, such as adverse weather conditions or injuries, and how these can best be managed by Technical Officials. Each scenario referred to the relevant sections of the Rules and Regulations and other guidelines and policies, as well as foundational principles of managing matches and tournaments.

Throughout a lengthy session of just over four hours, the diverse group of participants from various Asian and African countries was very active and participated enthusiastically answering questions, discussing and giving examples of various concepts, making it yet another successful educational offer of the AHF.

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