AHF Technical Officials Workshop- Communication and Working with Teams

June 27, 2020

On 27th June 2020, AHF hosted the second and last session of Technical Officials Workshop regarding “Communication and Working with Teams”. The workshop was presented by AHF Events and Sports Director Elisabeth Fuerst, who is also an experienced Technical Official.

Technical Officials from all over Asia and Africa participated in the workshop. The workshop highlighted different modes of communication, and it narrated how to communicate effectively. It also discussed best practices for working with teams in a tournament.

Scientific research and effective communication for sports and hockey officials were explained through video demonstrations. It further explained how parameters like voice tone and pace affect the effectivity of a message, and it presented the cornerstones of a performance model for officials to excel.

An additional section of the workshop also explained the basics of conflict management and conflict resolution, and it also included some role play scenarios for candidates to try out the theoretical topics that had been covered in situations that often occur in events.

The participants actively engaged with questions, examples and anecdotes throughout the approximately 3-5 hours session, making it yet another successful educational offer of the AHF.

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