The AHF Executive Board Meeting 2020 took place earlier today. In consideration of the global pandemic situation, the Executive Board meeting was held online.
The meeting was a huge success and saw 100% participation.
There was a wide variety of topics covered in the meeting by Chief Executive Dato Tayyab Ikram, which included Development & Rescheduling of Events, the impact of COVID-19 on our National Associations, and the Asian Indoor and Martial Art Games and Asian Games Hangzhou 2022. The following are some key points brought up in the meeting:
AHF Progress Update
Updates on the Online Education efforts, Development & Engagement Projects and Commercial Activation were given to the Executive Board.
The progress of the Communications & Social Media department was also highlighted.
Development remained at the top of the agenda for the meeting.
Development Updates included the AHF Development through Distance Initiative. AHF has organized 110+ Online Activities engaging more than 3000 participants.
Under the development we also discussed ongoing development projects with special highlights offered regarding the growth of Hockey in Central Asia.
The state of Equipment Support to National Associations was also highlighted. The growth of hockey in Central Asia through development projects was also touched upon in the meeting.
AHF Youth Development
Youth development was one of the priority items of the agenda of the Executive Board meeting, and the following important initiatives and decisions will be taken as per the decision of the Executive Board:
- To reactivate Youth Leadership Certificates to appreciate and recognize Youth Leadership.
- On the request of 3 to 4 National Associations, it was decided to relaunch the AHF Youth Panel.
- To confirm the inclusion of Hockey in the Youth Asian Games Tashkent 2025.
- AHF Youth Camp and Central Asia Youth Camp to be organized in 2021.
AHF Women In Hockey and Women Leadership
Women In Sports initiatives were discussed in the meeting. It was decided to launch a functional AHF Women in Sports Committee. AHF Women Leadership Certificates were also decided to be launched.
AHF Athletes Committee
It was decided that there is a need to revise the TORs of the Athletes Committee. The main focus of the revision would be to make the athlete’s committee more active and for it to actively participate in AHF activities. The secondary purpose would be to bring the TORs of the athlete’s committee in line with the TORs of the FIH, the OCA, and the IOC. It was announced that in 2021 all National Associations are encouraged to have their athlete’s committee established and active. The AHF will reward those National Associations who successfully establish and activate athlete’s committees.
Event Rescheduling also remained at the top of the agenda for the meeting.
All AHF Events and their rescheduled dates were discussed along with the 2021 events calendar and the measures that need to be kept in mind in order to protect athletes. The Global Events Calendar was also discussed.
The AHF Events includes Men’s & Women’s Junior Asia Cups, Men’s & Women’s Asian Champions Trophy, Men’s and Women’s AHF Cups, Men’s & Women’s Junior Asia Cups.
Sports Manager Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, Satoshi Kondo, gave an update on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games preceded by Secretary-General China Hockey, Liu Yuxiang, who gave the board members an update on the progress of the preparations of the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022.
The inclusion of hockey in the Asian Indoor and Martial Arts Games and in the Youth Asian Games Tashkent 2025 was highly appreciated by everyone attending the meeting.
The pandemic and coping methods
All Executive Board Members gave updates on the impact of COVID-19 in their countries and regions.
Methods of supporting the National Associations with their needs and how to lessen the impact of COVID-19 on them were discussed in detail in the meeting. The Executive Board approved proposed measures by AHF to alleviate the impact of COVID-19.
AHF Pitch Project
There was a unanimous decision by the Executive Board to continue the AHF Pitch Project despite the challenges and limitations posed by the COVID-19 situation.
The President Asian Hockey Federation, Dato Fumio Ogura offered his thanks to His Majesty Sultan Abdullah Ahmad Shah for his patronage and support to AHF. He also thanked Yokoyama Hide, Kim Myeong Sung, Yoshida Motohito, Dato Seri Chaiyapak Siriwat, and Rashid Sikder for their special support in these most difficult times.
All the Executive Board Members offered their best wishes to His Majesty Sultan Abdullah Ahmad Shah and thanked him for his patronage.