Yet another Raja Ashman Shah course has concluded in the capital of DPR Korea, Pyongyang. The DPR Korea Hockey Association played a major role in arranging the course, prior to the commencement of their domestic competition scheduled to start on 4th of October 2018. It provided an excellent platform for the participants to be updated on the current playing trends in international hockey and effective training methods to improve their teams. For this course, adequate facilities were made available in terms of accommodation, transportation, classroom sessions and practical training to heighten the experience and learning process of the participants.
The course was attended by about 60 coaches, players, and students of the game. The pool of participants had within them an interesting mix of older and experienced club coaches, young players from clubs and students from several universities majoring in field hockey. They were enthusiastic and participated actively in the sessions and were desirous to update their knowledge of the game.
The course program consisted of theory sessions and practical training. There were interesting discussions on the application of rules with regard to the aerial ball receiving, application of the 5m rule in crucial areas and impact of video umpiring on the outcome of some of the matches.
Mr. O Chun Gun, the Secretary-General of the DPR Korea Hockey Association requested for more practical sessions to be conducted as the participants were keen to learn about effective training methods as well as organisation and execution of training drills to develop and improve individual skills. The practical sessions for the young players were focused on teaching the range of core skills of passing and receiving.
The course under Mr. Lim Chiew Chuan was very well received, both by the association and the participants and provided a platform to develop world-class technical officials for the sport of hockey through Asian Hockey Federations’ elaborate and highly effective Training and Development initiatives.
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