Japan, China, Chinese Taipei, Kazakhstan & Tajikistan Resume Hockey Activities


Hockey activities are being resumed in Asia after the shutdown due to the COVID-19 situation.

In Japan, hockey activities have resumed in some prefectures observing government guidelines.

In Tajikistan, the Tajikistan Regional U-21 Women’s National Championship took place.

In Chinese Taipei, the 109 National President’s Cup hockey Championship is scheduled for July 24-29, 2020.

In China, national hockey training has been initiated.

And lastly, in Kazakhstan, there has been a training camp and indoor activity.

The Asian Hockey Federation (AHF) are ready to send a detailed questionnaire to all National Associations and to Potential Hosts of 2020-2021, in the effort to get more detailed insight and helping each other in moving forward. This questionnaire will guide AHF in targeting the development areas that require work. The AHF has already decided under these circumstances to enhance the development support, especially the supply of the hockey equipment.

The AHF is requesting the National Associations to return to questionnaire by 12 June, 2020.

More News to follow…

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