Singapore, Singapore: A ‘Learn to Play’ program was held in Hougang CC, Singapore on the 27th of November 2018. The ‘Learn to Play’ program extends the AHF’s vision to develop the grassroot initiatives of its National Associations. The aim of the program was to teach young children how to play hockey and the basics of the sport. The program was facilitated by certified trainers with a task to instill a passion for the sport for a tender age.
The program saw a sizeable turnout of participants as a total of 41 children signed up and for the program. The age bracket of those attending was between 3 and 12 years. The feedback received from the participants was encouraging as they not only focused on the fun element of the program but took home key insights about the sport. This gives Singapore Hockey a golden chance to develop talent for future generations to come and inculcate within them a sense of hockey revolution.
The program ended at the 27th of December 2018, with sessions being held every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. There was a total of 8 sessions which were held. The programs held in Singapore along with those held In Pakistan, Myanmar, Chinese Taipei and others are a clear indication to the direction taken by the AHF in its commitment for developing Hockey throughout the whole of Asia.